I was browsing online recently looking for something totally unrelated to needlework when I stumbled on
Jenny Adin-Christie website and wow! What a treat and a feast for the eyes her work is just amazing, now I don't usually do any form of needlework other than cross stitch or petitpoint and I am happy to admire other forms of needlework but that's usually as far as it goes however her kits are gorgeous and I fell in love with the Miniature Needlework Lavender Hearts kit they just looked sooo sweet .......so I ordered a kit ...mmmm naughty I know but I justified it as a wee reward for finishing my first year at college that's ok isn't it? I was soo excited when the postie brought my parcel and when I opened it the kit was beautifully wrapped in tissue paper, I don't know about you but I always feel a little bit special when opening a parcel that has been wrapped prettily. The kit itself is beautifully presented in its own little calico bag with a colour picture on the front of the finished item.
The bag will be handy for storing the work in progress and then could be easily reused for something else as the picture will easily peel off the bag. Would you like to see a closer picture of the hearts? Well Iam only too happy to oblige!
The kit comes with everything you could possibly need to complete it.
There is a list of the contents included and just look at what comes in the kit!
There is a very detailed step by step set of instructions very useful for the likes of myself who has never done any needlelace before.
Jenny even includes all the different sizes of needles you are going to need in their very own little needlework book with the size of needle next to each one. No excuses for me using the wrong needle for the job then lol. Oh and that little scrap of material is for practising making needlelace loops and Jenny even includes extra thread to practice with she seems to have thought of everything and covered it I am well impressed!
Oh how I wish I could share with you the scent of that lavender! I do love the scent of lavender and these little hearts are going to be extra special filled with this. The kit comes with enough materials to make two hearts and if you wish you can choose which two you would like as I couldn't make up my mind cos I liked all three I left it up to Jenny to pick for me and very glad I am too those colours are gorgeous.
This shows you what is included in each little package: the materials, all the necessary threads, beads and ribbon for finishing it. Can't wait to start this now!
I haven't been slacking I do have some progress pictures to share with you to. First of all BBD Forget Me Not still loving this design and I've managed to get all of the vines stitched, will finish the pot at the bottom then back on to the flowers me thinks or maybe I should stitch some more of the alphabet hmmm decisions decisions.
I have also knitted some more of my socks.
Oh my! I have had such bother with these socks and I've chalked up yet another 'sock lesson learnt' this is the third time I've knitted the pattern part. I have ripped out twice already and all because I didn't read the pattern all the way through. The original pattern was downloaded from Ravelry and I just worked from that, however if I had read the amendment on Ravelry I would have saved myself a lot of heartache *sigh* oh well I am on the way with them now and I do like knitting both socks at the same time but........it's taking forever lol.