Thursday, 31 December 2015

Post Christmas Peace

Well that's another Christmas over whew! I hope you all had a good time. It's been a busy few days but we have all had a ball, the kids have on the whole been pretty good. Christmas Day went by in a whirlwind of noise as we spent the day at my dads with all the family 17 of us ranging from a two week old baby to a septuagenarian and a whole lot of ages in between. Great fun but must admit to being glad to get home to a little peace and quiet! We have had plenty of visitors and done plenty of visiting which means I have not managed to get any stitching or any crafting done.
I did manage to squeeze in a sort of finish by the skin of my teeth on Christmas Eve.
This was from a pattern in Homemaker magazine. Just needs buttons!

I just wanted to share this with you, my daughter was making her annual family peppermint creams when she excitedly shouted me through to see what she had found -
A double yolker! and less than a minute later -
Yep another one! No more twins please!

We have been doing a bit of birthday celebrating this month too. 

The girls hit another teen year and due to time restraints we had to make do with a small cake this year. Ideally they would like one each but as their birthday is just before Christmas there is only so much cake we as a family can cope with! Sorry girls! 

I won't make any resolutions but do hope to get plenty of stitching in fingers crossed. 
I would like to thank you for taking the time to pop by this year and wish you all a healthy and happy New Year! and
Lang may yer lum reek! 

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Seasons Greetings

Just a quick post to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and to those of you who don't celebrate then I hope you enjoy the holiday. We are going to be quite busy for a few days then hopefully have a few days of peace and fingers crossed quiet though with two teens and their younger brother, of that I am not so sure!
I have a few last makes to share with you before joining my family for a few days of festive fun. The first is the baby blanket that I started in the summer for my niece. A big push and it is done and with its recipient hopefully keeping her cosy.

It's not a huge blanket but big enough for a buggy or car seat and gorgeously soft and squishy. I must admit I found I was just a teensy bit reluctant to part with it, it was so cosy on my lap ha ha!

A while back I discovered Home-Starts Snowflake Appeal and before I knew it was busy crocheting snowflakes. They are very therapeutic to make and quick too which is always a bonus. Most of the snowflakes were sent on their way but as is the way with these things there were three stragglers that I had just never got round to finishing off and it was now too late to post them. 
Here they are being starched and glittered. 

Although thanks to the wonderful winter light I can't get a decent photo to share the lovey sparkles with you all boo hoo! 
This little star was sent off to a special lady and the other two have found there way onto the family tree.
While taking these pics I thought I would share some of my stitched Mill Hill Bead Santas that I made the year I was expecting my son. I was in the very early stages of my pregnancy at the time  and was suffering from morning sickness and for some odd reason stitching these made the sickness a whole lot worse. I had purchased a whole load of kits to do but only got these stitched before having to admit defeat. I got rid of the rest of the kits a few years later when I realised I just couldn't stitch them without feeing very ill again... Weird huh? Anyway I love my little Santas but still can't help looking at them and feeing a teensy bit queasy lol. 

These are all stitched on perforated paper a first for me.
All that remains is for me to wish peace and happiness to you all. 

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Still here!

I hope you are all well and being creative. I have been rather a busy little bee. I finished the cardigans for my niece and even knitted another along with some hats but forgot to take photos before they went to their new homes. I've only a hat still here as it is waiting on a Pom Pom to finish it off.

In my last post which does seem an age ago now eek! I showed you this picture, well I can now reveal what I did with them. I was inspired by Helen Philips and think my little nieces will love these at Christmas.

Apologies for the poor photos but as I am sure you are aware the light here at this time of year is just plain old grey and no matter how or where I take photos everything just looks washed out.
My model is little Miss Rabbit knitted a good few years ago now, she was terribly keen to try out the beds. She says they are very comfy now with the new mattress, pillow and quilt.

Sweet dreams!
I love the pretty pink backing fabric so the girls can use either side.
This little bed is a much nicer shade of pink in reality. 

I've used a mixture of new fabrics and scraps from stash.

I wish the lighting was better *sigh* 

I love this red spotty binding it's so cheerful looking. 

I decided to make the little quilts big enough to drape over the sides of the beds as we don't want any cold dolls or teddies now do we?
I cut out 2" squares and pieced them together with a 1/4" seam allowance. 

A simple quilt to make but I am still rather chuffed with myself!

While I am talking about quilts I finally *fanfare* finished my big quilt.

I've kept it simple with a simple plain border and basic quilting.

Not a great picture of the back.

Ahh that's better you can see the plaid I've used to back the quilt. Since taking these pics the quilt has been washed and tumbled and most importantly is in use! 
Thank you for stopping by.