I did manage to squeeze in a sort of finish by the skin of my teeth on Christmas Eve.
This was from a pattern in Homemaker magazine. Just needs buttons!
I just wanted to share this with you, my daughter was making her annual family peppermint creams when she excitedly shouted me through to see what she had found -
A double yolker! and less than a minute later -
Yep another one! No more twins please!
We have been doing a bit of birthday celebrating this month too.
The girls hit another teen year and due to time restraints we had to make do with a small cake this year. Ideally they would like one each but as their birthday is just before Christmas there is only so much cake we as a family can cope with! Sorry girls!
I won't make any resolutions but do hope to get plenty of stitching in fingers crossed.
I would like to thank you for taking the time to pop by this year and wish you all a healthy and happy New Year! and
Lang may yer lum reek!