Thursday, 22 October 2015

West Wales Wool Show

I was very lucky to be visiting Narberth, Pembrokeshire in Wales during the school Autumn holidays and by pure chance, as I only discovered this the day before the event, there was going to be a wool show on the day after we arrived! Oh my! What an amazing stroke of luck I've never been to a wool show before so had no idea what to expect and I was rather excited. We decided to visit as a family and for various reasons didn't make it to the show till very late on in the day so some of the stalls were looking a bit sparse by the time we got round to them but still plenty of goodies to see!
On arriving we could see Narberth had been yarn bombed. It was very busy so I could only snap pics of a few pieces but take it from me those yarn bombers had struck everywhere.

The show was split over two vennues and due to an oversight on the expedition leaders part (i.e. me) we very nearly missed the second one. Both venues were small and very busy with lots of people so I didn't get a chance to take pics to share with you. You will just have to take my word for it there was some amazing stalls selling all sorts of wool and woolly accessories some produced locally. The first hall we visited was selling mostly fibre art stuff and clothing which was lovely to look at but not really my cup of tea although I did rather fall for some yarn bowls made by Ebbsworth pots which can even be personalised how cool is that?
The other venue was more up my street as there was wool galore and lots of buttons.

I bought these from Glynn-Coch Studios and I fell in love with all the gorgeous wares from this lady Stone Hens Ceramics. Oh my I could have spent a fortune here I just loved all her wares but restrained myself to a few buttons these are embossed with lace and are so pretty!

and the most gorgeous brooch.

I think I may have been inspired by my shawlette which I took with me.
Amazingly I didn't buy any yarn however I was sorely tempted by the yarn from Sue Ullrich I loved the grey yarn in particular.
All in a good hours wander round and a few yummy purchases made.
We had a great time in Wales and visited lots of castles, there are so many of them all within a stones throw of each other it seems. The weather was lovely it didn't rain once on our holiday which is always a bonus when holidaying in the uk.
We stayed Saundersfoot and I took this snap on the very steep walk down to the town from the car park. We did a lot of walking down and then back up hills on this holiday!
And this was the same headland from the cove round the corner in Tenby.
Tenby is much bigger than Saundersfoot and I just loved these colourful houses round the harbour.

While in Tenby we visited the Tudor Merchants House which is owned by the National Trust. It is half way up the hill.
My cheeky monkeys sniggering at their dad doing things behind my back *sheesh* families!

I was so glad there was an explanation about what these were used for  they look rather like some sort of torture implement. 

I know this is a modern piece of needlwork but I loved the frame. 

I love seeing how the building has hardly changed over the years that 30's perambulator had me smiling. 

This was hanging on the wall in the bedchamber and was stitched by a group in the 90's 

The view from the bedchamber window we were 3 floors up at this point. 

I thought the  mix of old windows was intersting.  
The house had a tiny herb garden out the back and it really was tiny.

Oh course I couldn't go on holiday without taking some form of needlwork to occupy my evenings and these were the chosen projects.
This was where I had got to on my nieces birth sampler before we went on holiday. The design is Sweet and Sugar by the Snowflower Diaries. 

This is the House sampler by the Historical Sampler Company, it's been in my sash for a good few years now and as it was already to go I thought it was time to crack on with it.
If you have made it this far well done and thank you, I will share the progress pics in the next post but right now I need a cup of tea. 


Vickie said...

Oh my! The pictures are so very awesome. I love the buildings. What a precious, current stitching project.

Meredith said...

What a wonderful trip, so much to see! Love that you were able to go to a wool show. YOu have some lovely things to play with.

Margaret said...

What a fun post!!! Loved seeing your purchases at the yarn show. And it's such a treat to see where you spent your holiday! One of these days I want to go back to the UK. Love your new stitching project -- it's a beauty! And the color of your shawl -- gorgeous!

Sally said...

Looks like you had a great time. You bought some lovely things.